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Information in this document is more current than that in the manuals or online Help.
3.1 | Network Printers: When printing from XMaster Developer or XMaster User to a network printer the error message "Printer unavailable" may occur if the printer node name is greater than 8 characters long (eg HP_LASERJET_5SIMX). Workaround: Substitute a printer node name of no more than 8 characters in length (eg LASERJET). |
3.2 | Message: "Warning - Can not copy file A:DDEML.DL_ since the destination file is already in use." When running XMaster SETUP to install XMaster Developer orXMaster User under Windows 95 you may get the error message: "Warning - Can not copy file A:DDEML.DL_ since the destination file is already in use." Workaround: Ignore the message. This bug has been fixed in version 1.20. |
3.3 | Options...Lock: XMaster Developer. When a knowledge base is subject to multiple Saves in the same session with Option...Lock that same knowledge base may become locked against the original owner when attempts are subsequently made to open it. This bug has been fixed in version 1.20. |
3.4 | XMaster Developer: the Min/Max Probability Range indicators do not always become activated as soon as a new hypothesis is created. This bug has been fixed in version 1.21. |
3.5 | XMaster User and XMaster Developer: Under certain circumstances, when a command-line parameter is used to specify a knowledge base to be opened automatically on start-up multiple copies of that knowledge base may be loaded. This may also occur when XMaster User is invoked from XMaster Developer using the "Consult XMaster: this Knowledge Base" menu option. This bug has been fixed in version 1.21. |
3.6 | XMaster User and XMaster Developer: The start-up options /LORES and /HIRES could fail to provide the specified resolutions when working with screens having resolutions other than 640 x 480 and 1024 x 768 pixels. This bug has been fixed in version 1.21. |
3.7.1 | XMaster Developer: Options...Thresholds. Clicking on the Ok button could cause a run-time error when no knowledge base was loaded. This bug has been fixed in version 1.22. |
3.7.2 | XMaster Developer: Under certain circumstances the Info buttons could become enabled when the relevant drop-down box was empty. Clicking on the Info button in these circumstances could cause a run-time error. This bug has been fixed in version 1.23. |
3.7.3 | XMaster Developer: Under certain circumstances when using Options...Increments to reduce the number of increments a run-time error could occur. This bug has been fixed in version 1.23. |
3.8.1 | XMaster Developer: Under certain circumstances when using Hypothesis...Delete or Evidence...Delete one or more of the probabilities associated with non-deleted hypotheses could become altered. This bug has been fixed in version 1.24. |
3.8.2 | XMaster Developer: Hypothesis View: In a knowledge base containing two or more hypotheses when one of the hypotheses is displayed together with an Associated Item of Evidence and a new hypothesis is then selected from the pull-down list the question text of the item of evidence associated with the previously displayed hypothesis could become deleted. This bug has been fixed in version 1.24. |
3.8.3 | XMaster Developer: Under certain circumstances attempting to Associate a hypothesis and an item of evidence when that particular hypothesis and item of evidence are already associated can cause a run-time error. [Attempting to associate an already-associated hypothesis and item of evidence should normally only invoke a warning message]. This bug has been fixed in version 1.24. |
3.9 | XMaster Developer and XMaster User installation. Under certain circumstances SETUP may halt with the message: "Warning - Cannot copy file VBRUN300.DL_ since the destination file is write-protected" before fully installing XMaster. Workaround: check the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory for the file VBRUN300.DLL. Check its Properties. Ensure that it is not marked as read-only. Alternatively: Fix available in version 1.25 or on request: First ensure that no other applications are running; then execute the file FIX.BAT found on the distribution discs (version 1.25 and later). This may be done by using the Windows menu command RUN or by double-clicking on filename FIX.BAT from Windows Explorer. This effectively executes the workaround for you. SETUP should then execute correctly. |
4.0.1 | XMaster Developer and XMaster User installation. Under certain circumstances SETUP may halt with no warning message before fully installing XMaster. This most commonly occurs when installing under Windows 98. This bug has been fixed in version 1.26 |
4.0.2 | XMaster Developer and XMaster User: Occasionally, small areas of the background screen display may appear white rather than sharing the background colour of their surroundings. This bug has been fixed in version 1.26 |
5.0 | XMaster Developer and XMaster User: Occasionally, under Windows 2000 there may have been difficulty finding or opening the Help files. This bug has been fixed in version 1.261 |
6.0 | XMaster Developer and XMaster User: When Previewing Detailed reports in which the details of one hypothesis appear over more than one page if the Close button is pressed before previewing the following page a failure could result. This bug has been fixed in version 1.265 |
7.0 | XMaster Developer: If the most-recently created hypothesis is not displayed in the Hypotheses pull down list box when a new hypothesis is created then the new hypothesis will overwrite all hypotheses that have been created subsequently to the creation of whichever hypothesis is displayed in the Hypotheses pull down list box. Workaround: Before creating a new hypothesis ensure that the most-recently created hypothesis is displayed in the Hypotheses pull down list box. This bug has been fixed in version 1.266 |
8.0 | XMaster Developer: If File...New is used to create a new knowledge base and an attempt is then made to View the Session Log before this new knowledge base has been saved to disc then an unrecoverable error will occur and XMaster Developer will terminate. Workaround: Use File...Save to save the knowledge base to disc at least once before attempting to View the Session Log. This bug has been fixed in XMaster Developer version 1.267 |
8.1 | XMaster Developer and XMaster User: If an attempt is made to Pack a Session Log (ie to remove items marked as Deleted) when there are either no Hypotheses or no Items of Evidence specified in the knowledge base a "Subscript out of Range" error will occur andXMaster will terminate. Workaround: When creating a knowledge base, always ensure that it has at least one hypothesis and one item of evidence specified in it. This bug has been fixed in XMaster Developer version 1.267 |
9.1 | XMaster Developer: Under certain circumstances when attempting to perform Excel spreadsheet import or export Error 282 could occur. This bug has been fixed in XMaster Developer version 1.27 |
10.1 | XMaster Developer and XMaster User: If an attempt is made to export either the Knowledge Base or the Session Log to Excel under circumstances in which the spreadsheets have become irregularly ordered then a DDE error may occur. This irregular ordering may occur in the following circumstances: a) If an export to Excel is attempted when Excel is already resident in memory and Excel has not been started with the /e command-line parameter to suppress initial worksheet formation on load; b) If an export is attempted to an instance of Excel in which other spreadsheets have previously been opened or closed; c) If an attempt is made to mix Session Log and Knowledge Base exports to Excel in the same instance of Excel. Workaround: When exporting either the Knowledge Base or the Session Log to Excel: a) Let XMaster start Excel; b) Do not mix the XMaster exports with any other spreadsheets; c) Do not open or close spreadsheets in between exports; d) Do not mix Session Log and Knowledge Base exports in the same instance of Excel. This bug has been fixed in XMaster version 1.275 |
10.2 | XMaster Developer and XMaster User: If an attempt is made to export either the Knowledge Base or the Session Log to a non-English language version of Excel then an error may occur. Workaround: When exporting either the Knowledge Base or the Session Log to Excel use an English language version of Excel. |
11.1 | XMaster Developer: If an attempt is made to import an XMaster .XGN file into a knowledge base that has been newly-created using File...New then an error may occur on a subsequent File...Save command. Workaround: When importing XMaster .XGN files perform the import into an already existing knowledge base. This bug has been fixed in XMaster version 1.28 |
11.2 | XMaster Developer: If an attempt is made to delete the only remaining hypothesis in a knowledge base then an error may occur. This bug has been fixed in XMaster version 1.28 |
11.3 | XMaster Developer: If an attempt is made to export the Session Log after Hypotheses or Items of Evidence have been created or deleted from the knowledge base and before the modified knowledge base has been saved to disc then the values in the exported Session Log may be wrong. Workaround: Save the knowledge base to disc prior to carrying out a Session Log Export. This bug has been fixed in XMaster version 1.28 |
12.1 | XMaster Developer: If any symbol other than the point character (.) is specified as the decimal symbol then data may be incorrectly displayed. This problem mainly affects users who are runningXMaster Developer under non-English versions of Windows in which some other symbol - such as the comma (,) - is used as the Windows default decimal symbol. Workaround: Use Windows Control Panel Regional Settings to change the decimal symbol to the point character(.). This bug has been fixed in XMaster version 1.281 |
12.2 | XMaster Developer and XMaster User: when installing under Windows 3.1 you may receive the message: Workaround: click on Ignore This bug has been fixed in XMaster version 1.281 |
12.3 | XMaster User: when clicking on Info Buttons which provide access to both XMaster-generated and developer-generated information the developer-generated information is displayed before the XMaster-generated information. Workaround: the information is still good - but the order of presentation differs from that stated in the XMaster manuals. This bug has been fixed in XMaster version 1.281 |
12.4 | XMaster Developer: If from the BYOES Data Editor an attempt is made to Export to XMaster Developer a Knowledge Base when no other knowledge base is already open within XMaster Developer the error "Bad file format detected. No data read or imported." will occur. Workaround: open an existing knowledge base in XMaster Developer before attempting to Export another knowledge base to XMaster Developer from the BYOES Data Editor. This bug has been fixed in XMaster version 1.281 |
12.5 | XMaster User: If a consultation session is activated from the Session Log and the Session Log is then exported to Excel the exported Session Log will contain no Response data or updated inference probabilities. Workaround: Export the Session Log to Excel before activating any of the sessions in that log. This bug has been fixed in XMaster version 1.281 |
13.0 | XMaster all versions: On some installations of Windows 10 XMaster may give an error message of the type: "Component 'control32.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" where control may be eg threed, comdlg, msmask, gauge or spin. Workaround: There is a file Win10Fix.bat on the installation media. This should be executed from an elevated command prompt eg cmd with administrative privileges; or Powershell(Admin) Then, from that comamnd prompt, key: drive letter:\Win10Fix.bat where drive letter is the drive containing this installation media. eg D:\Win10Fix.bat This will invoke Win10Fix.bat and execute the commands:
Click on "Ok" for every operation that displays as succeeded. That should fix the problem! . |